Sport News

Dennis Rodman Bakal Gemparkan Jakarta

27 Oktober 2011
Legenda NBA, Dennis Rodman akan hadir di Jakarta untuk memeriahkan puncak perayaan LA Light Streetball 2011. Untuk memanjakan penggemarnya, mantan pemain Chicago Bulls itu juga akan turun ke lapangan.

Menurut Maya Shintawati, Brand Manager LA Light, Rodman sudah tiba di Jakarta, Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011. Namun aksinya di depan publik baru bisa disaksikan pada Grand Final LA Light Streetball, Sabtu malam, 22 Oktober 2011.

"Ada beberapa alasan kenapa kami mendatangkan sosok Dennis Rodman ke Jakarta," kata Maya dalam jumpa pers Senayan Trade Center (STC), Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011.

"Pertama, soul permainannya sama dengan gaya streetball. Kedua, dia baru saja masuk Hall of Fame 2011, yang tentu saja menjadi value luar biasa. Terakhir, kami berharap dia bisa menunjukan contoh yang baik dalam bermain basket dan streetball bagi masyarakat Indonesia," lanjut Maya.

Maya menambahkan, menghadirkan Rodman merupakan agenda wajib partai puncak Sreetball tahun ini. Dengan gaya nyentrik dan penampilannya selama di NBA, Rodman diharapkan mampu menyuguhkan hiburan yang spektakuler.

Selain Rodman, penyelenggara juga akan menghadirkan sederet bintang streetball dunia. Empat pemain streetball dunia seperti, Hot Sauce (Philip Champion), Silk (Andre Poole), Werm (Brandon Lacue), dan Easy J (Guy Dupuy) akan ambil bagian dalam pesta penutupan streetball musim ini.

Bertaburnya bintang juga diharapkan mampu mendongkrak angka penjualan tiket. Setidaknya 11 ribu penonton dipastikan bakal memenuhi lokasi partai puncak LA Streeball 2011 di Plaza Barat Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Senayan, Jakarta.

"Untuk tiket masuk kami lepas seharga 30 ribu per orang. Itu untuk akses masuk selama dua hari gelaran grand final. Sedangkan Dennis Rodman baru main Sabtu malam sekitar jam setengah sepuluh. Kami memprediksikan yang akan hadir bisa mencapai 11 ribu orang," pungkas Maya. (adi)
• VIVAnews


Umumkan Pensiun, Yao Ming Menangis

"Hari ini saya mengumumkan keputusan pribadi, mengakhiri karir sebagai pebasket."


Atas alasan cedera kaki yang berkepanjangan, pebasket asal China Yao Ming memastikan diri pensiun, Rabu 20 Juli 2011. Didampingi anak, istri, dan kedua orang tuanya, Yao Ming memutuskan kembali ke China untuk bergabung dengan mantan timnya Shanghai Sharks sebagai Manajer Umum.

Selain itu pebasket tertinggi di ajang NBA ini ingin fokus mengurus yayasan miliknya, Yao Foundation, demikian dilansir AP. "Secara resmi saya akan mengakhiri karir. Saya harus meninggalkan lapangan setelah menderita retak di kaki kiri untuk ketiga kalinya di akhir tahun lalu," kata Yao yang sempat menitikkan air mata saat membaca pernyataan ini.

"Enam bulan terakhir terasa amat sangat menyakitkan. Saya terus-menerus memikirkan soal karir dan hari ini saya mengumumkan keputusan pribadi, mengakhiri karir sebagai pebasket dan pensiun secara resmi."

Yao memulai karirnya di tahun 2002 bersama Houston Rockets. Selama hampir satu dekade, pria bertinggi 229 cm itu delapan kali terpilih masuk NBA All Star dan tiga kali sebagai Most Valuable Player (MVP) di FIBA Asian Championship.

Namun, karirnya juga penuh dengan perjuangan mengatasi cedera. Secara keseluruhan Yao absen sebanyak 250 pertandingan dalam waktu enam tahun.

Manajer Umum Houston Daryl Morey tidak bisa hadir langsung dalam acara perpisahan Yao dan menyampaikan pesan via video link."Yao Ming telah menjadi pemain transformasional dan bukti globalisasi permainan kami," kata Morey.

"Permainan dan usaha kemanusiaannya membuat dia sebagai pemain yang dikagumi secara internasional dan menjadi jembatan yang luar biasa antara fans di Amerika Serikat dan di China." (eh)
• VIVAnews


sport artikel


Perhaps you from small heating was used to perform activities or warming up before exercising. At the time of first school we are taught to warm up first before getting into sports practice lessons in the field. At least we were told to jog around the field or around the streets outside the school. When the gym early in the morning along with any movement would warm up exercises for those who come not too late.

There may be wondering why the heating should be done? what functions and benefits of warming up prior to heavy physical activity like sports? And various other questions which may not be answered until today. What is certain is very important to do warm up before exercise. Than sorry later because it does not heat up yourself, then do warm up even if only briefly.

A. Function / Benefit Warming Before Sports

Sports involving the movement of muscles, joints and bones in a large enough intensity. By doing so warm blood sport that is rich in nutrients and oxygen will flow to the muscles so it's ready to be driven harder work. While the usefulness or benefits of exercise itself is to strengthen muscles, bones, heart, lungs and the circulation of blood.

B. Type / Shape Heating The Quick and Easy

Heating or warming up can be done without the help of any tools and without cost, ie with light jogging, light aerobics, jog in place, and others. Enough to our body sweaty, hot and feeling quite heating approximately 5 to 15 minutes can be followed by muscle stretching or streching for a few minutes for your muscles more flexible to use later.

C. Effects, Impact, and Effect Not Doing Warming Sport

Without an adequate warm up before doing exercise a dominant activity moves the muscles, joints and bones can result in injury to muscles and joints injuries. Of course, the injury will greatly interfere with activities and may be very painful and need further medical treatment. Muscle injury can be a sprain, whiplash, sprains, muscle cramps, muscle pain, and so forth.

D. Stretching / Streching the Good and True

After warming up that makes a little sweat, then followed by muscle stretching or strenching. Both heating and stretching should be done in a lightweight, low-capacity not too excessive. If done excess can lead to joint injury. Do not let the sport has not been feeling tired or exhausted heavy. If it is done properly then the body will be ready to do sports activities. Then work out with joyous feelings without coercion and forget all the problems that exist.


There are 4 aspects that differentiate between the Sport and Physical Education, among others:

  1. The purpose of Physical Education tailored to the educational goals related to personal development of all students, while the Sports goal is to refer to the performance achievement of motor behavior as high in order to win the match.
  2. Learning Content in physical education tailored to students' ability level, while the sports content of learning or training content is the target to be met.
  3. Learning Orientation physical education centered on students. This means that students are not able to reach the destination in time given the chance again, while in sport athlete who can not achieve the goal line with the target time is not considered talented and should be replaced with other athletes.
  4. The nature of physical education activities in scouting talent that is used to determine the entry behavior, while in the exercise aimed to select a talented athlete.


1. Sepaktakraw Field

Badminton court-sized with
Length: 13.40 m
Width: 6.10 m

2. Players

Each team consists of 3 people, 1 person as a "Tekong" and 2 others called "Apit Apit Right and Left".
. Players Clothing
* Son: Shirt-sleeved uniform shirts and rubber shoes.
* Princess: round-neck T-shirt, knee pants.

Not allowed to wear clothing which endanger the opponent.
Well-dressed, shirt and the obligatory T-shirt tucked / insert.
Captain must wear band on the left hand.
Clothing should be numbered backs, no only 1 -15.

Substitution of Players
Substitution at all times when the ball dead.
Each team is allowed only once in a set.
Players who get "red card" could be replaced with a provision there has been no previous substitution.
If a team of players less than 3 (three), it should not continue the game and the team is otherwise lost.

3. The match officials.

* 1 (one) official referee.
* 2 (two) referees (main referee and umpire II)
* 6 (six) lineman / linesman's (4 side underlined the field and 2 rear)

. Sweepstakes & Heating Players

Before the game starts, the referee will conduct the draw, who won the lottery right to choose "football first."
Heating for 2 (two) minutes and only (five) persons are allowed on the field during heating. Consists of 3 (three players) and coaches.

Position players at the time of service.
In doing sepakmula, one of the legs Tekong is in a loop to do sepakmula.
Both wedge players who perform service, must be within a quarter circle.
Opponent freely move within the field itself.

4. Error (Cancel)

An error on the part of the service.
o Apit as pelambung still play ball.
o Apit lift the foot, stepping on the line, touch or pass under the net when the ball stomach.
o Tekong dilambungkan not punt that to him.
o The ball touches one of his players (friends own) before the ball over the net.
o The ball fell out of the field.
o The ball was not over the net.
o Tekong when kick while jumping.
* Error by the recipient
o Trying to divert attention or loud opponent against the opponent.
* Errors on both sides
o There are players who took the ball on the opponent field
o There are players or equipment passing through the opponent's field
o playing the ball more than 3 (three) times
o The ball on hand
o Holding / pinch the ball between the arms and body, two legs or body.
o The ball on the attic / roof or wall (other objects)
o There are players who deliberately slow down the game unnecessarily.

5. Event rate calculation

Figures / points are awarded to the team that shut down the ball or opponent membyat error.